Thursday, December 30, 2010

EMF (Electromagnetic Force)

Electromagnetism is one of four forces found in nature. It is the force that causes the interaction between electrically charged particles; the areas in which this happens are called electromagnetic fields. It is said that this is where paranormal phenomena occurs. Spirits can lock on to the electrical fields and draw energy from the area. Paranormal researchers can tell you that when they are experiencing something, hairs standing on end, touching, breathing on the neck, there is usually a high EMF reading associated.

I don’t necessarily believe that spirits appear every time there is a spike on a meter nor do I believe that there is a spike because a spirit is present. Remember, this is just my opinion so please don’t be offended if you use a meter. Yes, I have a meter. Yes, I use it. I use it as a tool to determine what ELSE could be causing the strange feelings we feel like our hair standing up on end. I do not use it as you see on the multitude of TV shows and say things like “look at that! There MUST be a ghost around me.” No. I am a researcher so I use tools to explain reactions not to determine them.

Most EMF detectors are scaled from 1 to 10. A reading of 4 and higher is said to be where the phenomena will occur. There is no scientific data to backup this theory as of yet. Some EMF detectors are scaled 1 to 5 thus removing the readings for basic household emissions. I have both types of EMF meters but again, I only use them as tools to define what I may be feeling.

Electromagnetism is responsible for practically all the phenomena encountered in daily life, with the exception of gravity, IE the ability to see light. High EMF levels can cause nausea, skin rashes, fatigue, headaches, forgetfulness, paranoia, and other more serious conditions like leukemia, brain tumors, birth defects, and cancer. Always be aware of where you are when determining high EMF readings and paranormal activity, under power lines for example will give a gigantic reading of 10 or higher!

There is a story about a local news station who called in an investigator about the strange happenings going on in their newsroom. People were seeing things, having a feeling of someone standing behind them, and even rashes. It was later determined with all of the electronics they have running in the newsroom alone and the EMF spikes being off the charts that they were not in fact haunted.

Please, tell us what you think and leave comment below. Remember to "like" us on facebook by following the link on the right. You can also follow us on twitter @WNCPRS as well. If you would like us to investigate your area, send us an email here.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Is it wrong to plead with the "Ghost Adventures" crew to come visit?

"Please, please, please, come to visit us in North Carolina, we are a hot bed of activity. Did you know that the one of the last formal surrenders the during the civil war was right here in Franklin, NC? You can also check out the Biltmore in Asheville while you are here, Americas Castle. We love you guys! Sincerely, WNC Paranormal Research Society."
I thought perhaps a little bribery of promised hauntings would do the trick. If you are reading this post guys, please let us know you are in town, we would love to pick your brains.
Yeah yeah, I know. I have sunk to a new low with this one. But who doesn't want Zak, Aaron, and Nick, coming to their hometown? Even if you don't care for their tactics or investigative techniques you have to admit they aren't bad to look at. Right?

Monday, December 20, 2010


Hey everyone! We have a new logo and I hope you enjoy it. Please leave us a comment and let us know what you think so we can tell our artist!

Please, tell us what you think and leave comment below. Remember to "like" us on facebook by following the link on the right. You can also follow us on twitter @WNCPRS as well. If you would like us to investigate your area, send us an email here.

Monday, December 13, 2010


The doppelganger is presumed to be the double of a living person that typically represents evil or darkness. Doppelgangers are said to bring bad luck, illness, or danger, if they show themselves to family and friends. Seeing your own generally means death. They are generally seen through your peripheral vision. (Not unlike the Shadow People mentioned here) Some doppelgangers will impersonate its double to play tricks on friends or insulting family or they even attempt to kill the original.

Sorry...I couldn't resist.
Generally speaking, or at least on a paranormal researcher stand point, there is not much information regarding the doppelganger. We have yet to find any reports of a doppelganger on any related websites for  investigation which leads us to believe that we are either looking in the wrong area for information or there is not much a researcher can do to prove or disprove the existence. One may conclude that we are speaking of paternal or fraternal twins. We are not. We are more interested in the reports of persons born as a single infant seeing themselves or friends noticing that the person “was two places at once.”

Studies have been completed to try to find out why the brain would perceive something so sinister. Using electromagnetic stimulation to a specific part in a patient’s brain caused the patient to feel another presence in the room; the patients would describe these “people” as faceless, silent, motionless, and with a body structure not unlike the patients own. Different effects were identified when the patients were placed in different positions and the stimulation increased. Other reports of doppelgangers may be due to a failure of that section of brain.

Please, tell us what you think and leave comment below. Remember to "like" us on facebook by following the link on the right. You can also follow us on twitter @WNCPRS as well. If you would like us to investigate your area, send us an email here.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Shadow People

The definition of a "shadow person" is about as vague as you can imagine. These shadows are described as dark humanoid figures that are either the size of a large man or a child, they can even be shapeless beings. Appearing only in the peripheral vision of whomever notices. They are described as malicious or evil beings designed to create fear.

There are several ideas regarding these entities. Optical illusions or hallucinations which are generally brought on by psychological damage or circumstance; like hallucinogenic drugs or history of abuse. It has been said that a specific area in the brain can cause the illusion. There is a medical condition called Pareidolia where the brain misinterprets random patterns of shadow, light, or texture, as being shapes that are familiar to us such as faces or human forms. The same condition can happen to the general public as well. In lower light, such as dusk or dawn, when trying to focus vision on a certain object, can cause the brain to incorrectly identify the object.

Another condition, known as "waking-sleep" or Hypnagogia, is a physiological condition where a person can be between actual sleep and wakefulness. During this waking-sleep the person can be fully conscious and aware of their surroundings or environment and also in a dream state where images from their subconscious can also be perceived. People who suffer from waking-sleep generally describe a feeling of dread and visual hallucinations. Closely related to this is another condition referred to as Sleep Paralysis, which causes feelings of levitation, pressure on the chest, and an acute sense of danger.

This is just a definition to give you a better idea as to what may be causing the "shadow person" to appear in our mind's eye. By no means am I telling you that they do not exist nor am I saying that these occurrences are due to medical conditions alone. As a researcher you have to be able to know what the possible explanations may be so that you can better prove or disprove your own evidence. No one is a harder critic than you on your own work. Keep your mind open but be aware of the possibilities that something else can be the cause.

Please, tell us what you think and leave comment below. Remember to "like" us on facebook by following the link on the right. You can also follow us on twitter @WNCPRS as well. If you would like us to investigate your area, send us an email here.