Code of Conduct

WNCPRS Code of Conduct is subject to change at anytime without prior notification.
  1. We will never ask for payment for services rendered. Donations will be accepted at anytime by the founder only to help defray the costs of investigations.
  2. To protect the confidentiality and privacy of clients, names may be changed and locations will never be published without express written permission of property owners.
  3. Public property investigations will be published and written permission is not required.
  4. Cell phones, pagers, and other electronic devices not being used for the investigation, will be turned off so that they do not disturb EVP sessions or other recording equipment.
  5. Members will conduct themselves in a professional manner at all times prior to, during, and after an investigation during the analysis process.
    1. This includes but is not limited to
      1. Members will follow all federal, state, and municipal laws.
      2. The use of mind altering substances (i.e. drugs, alcohol, etc) will be restricted to time not designated for interviews or investigations.
      3. Members will not participate in horseplay, pranks, or other silliness.
      4. Members will refrain from expressing over the top emotions.
      5. Members will not make any statements during the investigation to clients about the investigation and whether he/she thinks the location is "haunted".
      6. Members will NEVER under any circumstance falsify evidence either to prove or disprove the existence of the paranormal.
      7. Members will look at all evidence and will attempt to find other explanations prior to making a designation of "paranormal in nature".
      8. Members will be aware that the clients are not held responsible for any damage to our equipment or person at anytime.
      9. Members will not violate any privacy rights, damage the property, or cause harm to anyone.
      10. Any member that ignores, causes mayhem, or disrespects these guidelines will be asked to leave the property or residence immediately.
  6. Interviews of clients or witnesses will be held prior to the investigation; these interviews should be recorded electronically to avoid misunderstandings of evidence. A daytime trip will be scheduled for base readings, sketches, and meter placement ideas.
  7. In case of emergency, all investigators will be required to meet at a pre-designated area outside of all buildings as the emergency predicts. Constant communication with emergency services and members of the team are required at all times during the emergency. Once emergency services are on-scene, investigators shall follow their direction.
  8.  If any conflicts arise between investigators, clients, or property owners, the founder will then take charge of the situation and all members or conflicting team members will leave the property.